Style Me Gorgeous has been nominated for the Kreativ Blogger Award by the beautiful Hayley from Little Pinwheel! Thanks Hayley, right back at cha!.
This award is an award you would give to other blogs you think are inspiring, lovely and divine. The women behind the blogs I have nominated are all amazing and inspiring to me, I have met most of these women only since I started Style Me Gorgeous. Every day they make me smile through our little twitter / blog / work life interactions, having them a part of my world makes me feel even luckier to be a WAHM with my own business.
So here they are, make sure you check them out;
Amy (I dont know Amy, but her work is seriously gorgeous and she really inspires me)
When you are nominated you need to share the love and nominate seven more blogs you feel deserve this award and seven things people do not know about you.
Seven things about me.....
(1) I was born in England and moved to Australia with my Mum, Stepdad and Brother when I was 10. The best thing that ever happened to me (of course I didnt think so at the time).
(2) I am a chocaholic, no seriously, some people claim to be, but I really am, if I could eat it for breaky, lunch and dinner I would.
(3) My favourite colour is blue, always has been since I was a little girl
(4) I have one Brother, two Stepsisters and a half Sister
(5) I have the most beautiful group of close friends you could ever wish for and I thank my lucky stars for them everyday, you know who you are girls xoxo
(6) I don't do sport, thank god my son didnt get that gene, he loves to get out and play footy.
(7) I am a perfectionist
Nominee Rules: • Thank the person who nominated you for the award • Copy the logo and place it on your blog • Link to the person who nominated you for this award • List seven things about yourself that people might find interesting • Nominate and post links to the seven Kreativ Bloggers you nominate • Leave a comment on each of the blogs, letting them know they have been nominated.