OK I have been a little quiet the past couple of weeks as I am on holidays trying to stay away from the laptop as much as possible, but tonight, I had to be here, with a drink in my hand, to celebrate the launch of a beautiful new website I had the absolute pleasure of designing for my gorgeous, talented and clever friend Stace...the original Sunny Mummy.
Sunny Mummy is a bright place full of support and sunshine for your journey through motherhood, be lifted up when you’re feeling down, be encouraged to SHINE 'it’s YOUR life, so LIVE it!'
Ask a question, meet like minded women and read inspiring articles. There are pages dedicated to looking after YOU, Motherhood, Marriage or Not, Single Mummies, New Mummies, Business Mummies, Your Home, Style, Events and REAL MUMMIES!
The first Sunny Mummy Event 'Buffet Of Life' will be held in Sydney, Saturday the 8th May, don't miss out....purchase your tickets
here now, tickets include a delicious breakfast with bubbles, speakers, goodie bags and lots more fabulous things! I will be there with bells on..and Im bringing my beautiful mum too, its the perfect mothers day gift for a mum who is very hard to buy for!
Sarah xx